why this blog and why "your sunshine and rainbows"

i have been meaning to devote one platform for just writing out my thoughts, aspirations, ideas, and so on. and blogging has always come to mind. the thing is, i am a very consistently inconsistent person. i've created multiple blogs in the past and never really put myself seriously in it. i've given up most of them because as i have mentioned i am consistently inconsistent. however, this time, i'd like to give it another shot :)

this blog will be about literacy + life. mainly the things i enjoy and my thoughts and ideas. i do not really want to be extra specific about what i am going to put in this blog since i am still very open to possibilities on adding more topics i enjoy writing and talking about. 

why "your sunshine and rainbows" ?

well, here's the background story. i have two younger brothers, tobias and moshe. my mom had always said that tobias is a 'rainbow', mainly because of his colourful ideas and weird things he often comes up with. he is very colourful but sometimes the ones who creates war in the house. therefore, the term 'rainbow' for him came up since after he creates a war or thunderstorm in the house, he'll always cheer every one up with his bright and funny side. and there's where the 'rainbow' comes from.
my other brother, moshe, was said to be a 'sun'. maybe because he is very strong and harsh. but everyone lovesss sunshine, don't they (well, except for surabaya's sun which is extremely hot and blinding)? and yes, moshe is harsh in a way but also brings light to the family with his bright side. and there's where the 'sunshine' comes from. 
and me? well, maybe i am non-existent. hahaha ... no, mom said i am her 'star'. i do not really know why but i am guessing because i may not always be seen, but i am always there (which is a good thing, right? maybe? idk.). somehow it is sad hehe to be a star. i am just there, not the main focus like the sun or the rainbow. still, i am totally fine with that. i mean, being in the spotlight all the time isn't that fun anyways (or am i just trying to make myself feel better?). just twinkling my little source of light would just be enough, i guess. nothing too significant in the sky :)))

however, it did struck me for sometime. and i told myself that i may not be my family's sunshine or rainbows, but i can maybe be a sunshine or/and rainbows for someone out there. and that's where i came up with the name "your sunshine and rainbows". it started out as my instagram's second account username, but i thought it'd be great for a blog's name. 

my hopes and aspirations for this blog

i hope to build an online community of people who can share thoughts and ideas together. maybe build friendships? and if not, i really just hope it would be a good read for anyone reading and going through my blog. and i would be extremely glad if you enjoy your time in this blog :)))))

with much love,

ennik xoxo
