nothing really came to mind on what i wanted to do when i turn 18 until the actual day of turning 18. back then i had tons in mind of what i want to do and stuffs when i am legal. however, i got a bit lazy and just got to the basics of things i want to do. and so the day of my eighteenth birthday came and i was just in an awestruck of nothingness. that night i compiled 18 things i want to do this year.
1. complete dutch duolingo
if you do not know, i loooovveeeee languages, and learning languages in general. and i have learned dutch previously for about two to three months and it was sooooo much fun. the accent wasn't that easy and that is the funny and challenging part. why dutch? well, i've learned korean, chinese, and attempted a bit japanese which i failed, and all those are asian languages. i love how the asian languages sound. probably because i am asian, the language just connects with my soul. but dutch caught my attention because indonesia used to be under the dutch colony. and there are sooooo many historical stories, sites, and indonesian words that are adapted from the dutch. which is sooo cool! i have had this story in mind about something that happened during the war times in indonesia and it incorporates some dutch-ness in it. so that is one of the reason i want to learn dutch.
2. be a tourist in surabaya
17 years of my life i have resided in surabaya. born and raised a surabayan. my way of speaking may show that i am from here, but my knowledge of places in this city is quite lacking. i just want to explore this city more and be a tourist here. i think it would be so much fun.
3. cross out all the 'foods to try' list
i have tonssss of food i love. but i feel like i haven't been trying that much food ehehehehe... especially indonesian food. i'd like to explore and taste the various flavours of different kinds of food. i will try not to ruin my taste buds in the process XD
4. bake a cake for someone for no reason
i have been wanting to do this for so long. i think it is a very cute and impulsive thing to do. and maybe i can make someone happy :) so that'll be great.
5. take and complete an online class
maybe on a thing i enjoy, like writing or tesl (teaching english as a second language). i think it would really be beneficial in my life later on.
6. attempt to adopt a british accent XD
okay, let me tell you, i have been OBSESSED!!!!! with british accent. ever since i came to like lots of great actors like james FRIKIN mcavoy, i am in love with british accent. i think it sounds very posh and unique.
7. try being vegetarian for a week (DONEEE!!!)
i have been wanting to try this out for so long. but i haven't been able to commit and actually put my feet into it. the reason for this is mainly to give it a try and if i can maintain it, i would love to keep it as a lifestyle. i have seen pictures, videos, and many things that are just not right in how they kill animals for us to eat. i believe that animals also have rights (animal rights). this is hard to do, especially living with people who regularly eat meat etc. and i know they taste delicious, but i hope one day i can be a full-time vegetarian. i have actually done it though... for a week! i did it! it was ok. not so bad. i'll give it a try again some other time. (currently trying to be a flexitarian since there are so many events recently and i can't push back people's offers on eating the food they've prepared)
8. plant a plant and actually grow it out
i guess plants and i just don't work together. we never get along. plants with me alwaysss die, i don't know why, but they just do. and i hope that i could plant one and actually keep it alive without murdering it with my laziness.
9. write a children's book (and find illustrator)
writing for children has been my dream since i read the 'famous five'. enid blyton is one of my favourite writers and she was a huge part of my childhood. and so i'd like to write some adventure stories like she did and be part of someone's childhood too :)))))
10. complete watching game of thrones, friends, the office, and riverdale
i have been procrastinating watching all these series mainly because i am too lazy. when i first watched game of thrones, i hated it! but then i gave it another shot and i lovedddd it! but i am still currently stuck at season 3 :((( friends has also been a part of my childhood since it is my parents' favourite show. i have been watching friends since i forgot when but it is just sooooo funny (i need to meet CHANDLER!!!). the office is a series i just watched very recently. it is hilarious! and i must finish the whole series! i used to watch riverdale years back but i fell into a slump and just stopped. and i am still curious so i will continue this year :)))
11. cross out all the 'movies to watch 18 years old edition' list
i have compiled a 100 movies to watch when i am 18. i created this list because well, i have just turned 18 and so i can watch most movies. and that i am still 18 and i do not have that much craziness (read: responsibilities) to care for, meaning i still have spare time :) i am going to take advantage of that.
12. read a virginia wolf book
maeve in the series of sex education is in love with virginia wolf. and she is my favourite character in that series. so i am going to read it for her hehehe XD
13. send someone a letter on their birthday
i have always wanted to get a letter on my birthday. i think it is really special and stuffs. so someone, get ready for your letter :)
14. go on a girls trip
going on a girls trip will be so much fun and i will be going on a girls trip this june! i am so excited!!!
15. get lost somewhere
this is a weird thing to do but i just love the feeling of being lost somewhere and finding a way out. one time i was lost on my way home from the mall and i discovered new places. so i want to do more of that.
16. learn how to lino cut
lino cut is too cool! i am in love with lino cut art and i want to try it for my own. it may not be like i expected, but i know i will love it.
17. sew something
i can sew. i can! believe me! but i haven't really sewn anything. still, i want to do it.
18. go around ubud and have fun
ubud is one of my favourite places on earth! it is so calm and close to culture and nature there. i feel so at peace in ubud. i have yet explore it so i really really really want to go around and explore ubud for myself.
and these are my 18 years old bucket list. whether i complete it or not, it doesn't matter. hopefully i do. it would be a fun year :)))))
with much love,
ennik xoxo
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